Getting Started with Consumer Robotics
By Tyson Wynne on In collaboration with Benjamin Danek Motivation:
- Robotics is lacking a killer consumer application
- Lots of research
- Little consumer adoption/traction
- Believe in a top down (interface oriented) approach
- What do users need to
see + feel
to make robotics happen - “ahha” moment
The case for AR & VR
- Robust teleoperation
- The edge of compute
- Multimodal feedback & communication
- Solving deeper form of Turing Test
Goals of the Project
- Learn how to bring in consumers
- Gain experience with consumer level interface
- Industrial Augmented Reality
- Industrial Computer Vision
- Mobile Platform
Underlying Methodology and Algorithm
- AR World Tracking
- Task: Correspondence between virtual and real spaces
- Understand cameras change in position (3D): State Estimation [1], [2], [3]
- Understand the 3D structure of virtual world