Social Browser Extension

By on In collaboration with Kshitiz Singh, Benjamin Danek, Midhun Kaithavalappil Gopalakrishnan, & Brian Zahn

Problem Definition:

  • Chrome Web Extension to mine web usage topics + recommend web articles
  • Construct a knowledge graph of the user based on browsing data
  • Recommend articles based on the graph e.g. User reads articles about Stephen Curry, Tom Brady, and the system recommends articles on Leo Messi, LeBron James, etc.

Data Set Description:

  • No dataset for user web browsing
  • Instead, use the Never-Ending Language Learner (NELL) from CMU’s Read the Web project to get a pre-trained ontology.

Process Description:

  1. Collect browsing data on Google Chrome Extension
  2. Send url list to Flask Application on EC2 Instance
  3. Construct knowledge graph
  4. Compute Page Rank
  5. Return recommendations to browser extension (user)




Semantic Knowledge Graph Repository